Madeline Walker and Debbie Byrnes

You see a new home listed for sale and you go out to visit the open house. You decide you love the house and are going to submit an offer. But wait, there are others who also love this house and suddenly you are competing against several offers at the same time!

To help you come out on top, let’s look at the offer process from the perspective of the seller: What are the seller’s options when there are multiple offers, and what type of offer is most likely to be accepted?

In today’s fast-paced seller’s market, an aggressively priced property can often fetch multiple offers, spurring a bidding war between homebuyers. As the seller, this is an extremely fortunate position to be in, but one which may prove more confusing than expected.

Competing With Other Homebuyers in Multiple Offer Situations

How Do Sellers Handle Multiple Offers?

5 Ways to Maximize Multiple Offers on Your Home